Work safely in high-risk manufacturing environments: ROG Hot Work Habitat

Repair, maintenance and other work in maritime and petrochemical work environments often have large-scale effects on production. Especially if toxic, flammable or explosive substances are handled there. ROG Habitat offers the solution to safely work on specific parts of large installations: Hot Work Habitats.

The solution for work in (petro)chemicals and shipping

Hot Work Habitats provide a safe workplace in environments where people work with high-risk substances. This makes the solution such a godsend for the (petro)chemical and maritime sectors in particular. After all, the production and transport of fuels such as gasoline and kerosene, for example, but also other products such as foodstuffs and medicines are not without risk. This can involve the release of hazardous substances, which makes performing grinding or welding work, for example, particularly dangerous. Installing a Hot Work Habitat then offers the possibility for repair, maintenance or adjustments without the risk of explosions, fire or poisoning.

Safe in the petrochemical industry Safe in shipping

hot work habitat

Prevent a production stop during repair work

Work to repair, maintain or expand an installation in a (petro)chemical or maritime environment often means a production stop. Thanks to ROG Habitat, this is no longer the case! In fact, with the help of our Hot Work Habitats, part of the installation can be hermetically sealed off. The flexible construction is built up over the relevant part of the installation. Then, overpressure is used to ensure that hazardous substances cannot enter the Hot Work Habitat.

Hotwork habitat tent

Optimal safety and risk reduction for refineries, shipping companies and ships

To ensure that our Hot Work Habitats are applied correctly, ROG Habitat provides training and instruction from specialists. This can also be done on site to ensure the fullest possible safety during operations.

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Choose safety in production and maintenance

Prevent unnecessary production stops and ensure personnel and plant safety. ROG Habitat creates new opportunities for safe maintenance and repair. Want to know more? Then contact one of our representatives.

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